Production Time: 2 Years || Project Start: 2020 || Software: Unity || Role: Game Designer, 2D Artist || Solo Project
Pong Quest is a top-down RPG inspired by classic Atari titles such as Adventure (1980) and Breakout (1976). Players control a knight who journeys through a monster infested island in order to defeat an evil demon.
A major key feature of this game is its combat, where player engage in “battle” with enemies through a breakout styled system. Players use balls to knock down bricks that represents an enemy’s health using a controllable paddle and the walls. Players can also use items they’ve collected while exploring to help aid them in battle.
The goal of this project was to create a mashup of two different game genres
I wanted to combine elements of RPG combat and item usage together with arcade games.
While making the game, I had two objectives:
create a top down dungeon level for the player to explore and collect items to use in combat,
Script an enemy combat encounter system, using brick breaker as the main method of “fighting” enemies.
Create different brick patterns and hazards based on the enemy the player was fighting
An expansion of a smaller prototype, the game’s scope and features have greatly been expanded over the course of the game’s development cycle.